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steven787 said:
Too much talk about "perfection". Both the MS quote (from Legend11) and rickthestick2's observations revolve around the idea of perfection.

You can please some of the people all of the time (1) or all of the people some of the time (2), but you can't please everybody all of the time.

(1) MS and Sony's approach
(2) Nintendo's approach.

Though MS trying to get casuals to buy the 360 shows a lack of focus.

I think that both Wii and atleast one of the HD Consoles can be popular and successful at the same time. Both Sony and MS could make a profit if they focused on their own business instead of killing the other's.

Why does it show a lack of focus?  They have the hardcore covered so what's wrong with them trying to expand their market, you know exactly what Nintendo is trying to do.  Microsoft was completely focused on the hardcore last generation and look where that got them, they learn from past mistakes each generation, this generation's lessons are to make damn sure the hardware is well built and to expand from a hardcore audience.

Also I have no clue what you're talking about in your two sentences, you feel Microsoft and Sony should leave Nintendo alone to dominate the massive casual market, that's idiotic.  Just look at what RolStoppable wrote in their last post in this thread, it's exactly the same thing that Microsoft is now trying to do (maybe to a far less extent and success than Nintendo but you can bet they're going to work on in from this year forward).