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PC Discussion - Flash Memory - View Post

a12331 said:
I dont see these overtaking the disc format for a long time. Mainly because it will cost alot when it first comes out and it will take a long time for it to be widely accepted.


The thing is that as they grow the smaller versions start becoming dirt cheap. The current speed of growth is far faster than the disk format so in several years we should be sitting in a TB or more. As for having it replace CDs and DVDs, the smaller ones are already starting to be dirt cheap. Make a design that's made for mass production, cutting all the extras they don't need, and I can see getting my games on a flash drive instead of a disk soon. Not to mention those transfer speeds, a flashdrive game plus a flash memory hard disk would mean near instant installs on your games, not to mention how much data you could be transfering during play.

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