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While Sony has gained a reputation for its bizarre, off-the-wall advertisement campaigns in recent times, the platform holder has opted to take a decidedly more subtle approach with its most recent effort in the Land of the Rising Sun.

The company’s latest onslaught takes the form of various posters hung up throughout subways across Japan, depicting numerous PlayStation 3 titles, both new and old. In addition, the firm has also included a series of advertisements showcasing individuals posing with various PS3-related products.

We've included all of the advertisements below.

According to Andria Sang, some of the posters translate to the following:

"The PS3 ad says "Everyone awakens here."

The MGS4 ad says something like "Finish the MISSION to completion."

The Sackboy ad says "IMAGINATION that's learned from play."

The one with the girl holding a disc says "Beauty like a DREAM."

The one with the guy doing a mind meld with the controller might say "The PRIDE of exceeding super realism."



I'm liking the look of those posters, very eye-catching. Looks like Sony is finally starting to get it's act together in Japan, the poor platform sales for the last few months must have spurred them into action.