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Hawk said:
shio said:
BengaBenga said:
shio said:
Who was the sick bastard that wrongfully banned DJMeister? So VGChartz is plagued with fanboys that keep flaming and baiting each other, yet you ban a guy that has done nothing wrong.

What a load of BS.


That would be ioi, aka The Boss, aka the one that made this site.

Some people have humor you know...try and buy some.

You know, I atleast have the integrity of not laughing about other people's misfortunes when they don't deserve them.

I think this example should open the eyes of VGChartz members about the inadequacy of the behaviour of banning. There are currently 3 or 4 threads that are just fanboys arguing about PS3 vs 360 lineups and e-penis measurement, yet none of them were banned nor were the threads locked. I have not seen DJMeister do anything that warrants a ban or even a warning.



shio’s a fountain of misplaced rage. Name your cliche; Mother held him too much or not enough, last picked at kickball, late night sneaky uncle, whatever. Now he’s so angry that moments of levity actually cause him pain; give him headaches. Happiness, for that gentleman, hurts.

? I'm nowhere near angry, just astonished about this banning that goes against any rational basis. I wonder why some people always think the tone of dialogue in a internet forum matches the user's feelings' intensity.