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sinha said:
ssj12 said:
sinha said:
ssj12 said:
sinha said:
ssj12 said:
here is the hole in this, most developers are using the PS3 as the main dev platform now for multiplatform games.


Most?  Can you provide some evidence to back up this claim?

EA, Activision, Atari, Midway, and a few others have announced before that they are or in the process of switching their main dev platform to the PS3. EA has already done it for their Sports titles, Activsion has had a few titles as PS3 as main or developed each game individually on each platform, Atari has made their multiplats with PS3 as main platform.

As long as the main publishers are demanding it dev teams owned by the publishers have to use the PS3 as main platform.

Since EA and Activision own a large chunk of developers it is easy to say most developers are using the PS3 as main plat.





Activision is a confirmation due to the fact of COD4/5 and DMC4 was co-developed for the PS3/PC/360 at the same time.



LOL.  Is this a joke?? 

It would be huge news if EA and Activision announced they are switching to the PS3 as their main platform... You provide links from and  Why wouldn't any members of the legitimate gaming media cover this important shift in the industry?

Are there any quotes from anyone who actually holds an important position at EA or Activision stating that they are switching to the PS3 as their lead platform?


First link:

"EA has commented before they would switch development to the PS3 and make it the lead platform; it seems EA is making good on its promise."

No details whatsoever?  What exactly was EA's previous comment and who made it?  And what indication is there that EA "is making good on its [supposed] promise"?


Second link:

"Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO Jack Tretton believes that going forward third parties will make the PlayStation 3 their lead platform. So far there have only been a small handful of titles for which that’s the case."

So... SCEA's Tretton "believes" this will happen "going forward"?  LOL.


The ONLY example from both links is Burnout  Paradise.  ONE GAME.

And neither link mentions Activision at all... how does the fact that three games were "co-developed" on multiple platforms at the same time indicate that Activision are "switching their main dev platform" to the PS3?


And you're actually a mod around here?


you know you really need to research right?

Games using PS3 as lead by EA

Madden 09

Other EA Sports 09 titles

Mirror's Edge


Dead Space

Army of Two




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