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So my campus (a very tech heavy school) looks like it has been bombed. All my friends on steam are showing up playing WoW or not at all. My MSN is empty almost 24/7. It's just like good ol' Penny Arcade put it ( So I feel like there might be room for dicussion on here, if anyone that's playing actaully logs off or even alt tabs to check this out.


So then, do you play? What server are you on? Class? Do you have long Queues? Did something awesome happen to you while playing? Any good stories? How do you like WOTLK so far? Just discuss, I'll start.


I'm already level 76 and 4 bubbles away from being able to fly, no good stories, but the wrathgate quest is far far more epic than anything done so far in WoW and far better than any youtube videos you may have seen. If WoW had about 50 more of these types of quests/cut-scenes/world effects, then the game would have been truly epic and I wouldn't be so pissed about the lack of Lore.

I love how all the quests and stuff are talking about how epic you are, no longer to questgivers start you off with BS like "go prove you are a hero" instead they start you off with "ZOMG OMFG IT'S YOU!!! Go help us by killing this." Since I read the quests and enjoy the little stories I really enjoyed how they did handeled that. I also love how small the continent is, but how many more quets there are, also I lvoe the variety within each zone (The Fjord especially) and there are some truly amazing music pieces (the piano in Dragonblight, just wow). If the Burning Crusade was of this quality there would have been a LOT more people playing it to begin with.

I hear that people have already cleared the end game raids, which I'm happy with since I hated having to spend so much time doing BS at the end, now I can see everything and still have time to go out take care of my girl. No more late night raids, or raiding 5 days a week!

As for gear, I'm a feral druid and our itemization is the same exact one as a rogue's it's bullshit and annoying as hell and Blizz better change that and soon, but that's just 1 spec of 1 class out of now 30 combinations, so that's just a personal rant.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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