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I'm sure a lot of the problem is that HDTV's havn't been adopted as fast as they'd hoped, not necessarilty adoption of Blu-Ray.
I think it should be judged according to how many HDTV owners have or plan to have Blu-Ray, not total households.
Adoption of DVD was a lot easier because of this imo


good to note from that "David Bishop, president of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment said that the only dark cloud is the economy. But adds that there had been no slowdown in the adoption of the PlayStation 3."

Of course, thats from David Bishop though! but the facts do seem to support his statement

The adoption of HDTVs is key to Blu-Ray's success. Blu-Ray doesn't work on SDTV's (without serious hacking i suppose) but PS3 can.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral