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SHMUPGurus said:
Xen said:
SHMUPGurus said:
Xen said:
FF XII/17 hours/PS2

Wow, around the same. Why was FF XII so addictive? xD

I bought it for November break (first week of November, no school, hehe), I mean the game couldn't come out at a better time! I know I was glad to see some change in the FF series. I really enjoyed the battle system with the gambits and all. Everything seemed ''big'' in this game. I loved it, and even though it took a full week to finish the main story, I didn't even complete 70% of the game!!! Then school restarted, etc. etc.


It's the battle system and lvl ups...

Nothing beats roaming the plains with a trusty firearm and some status spells (which, unlike most other FF games, help you a lot, like with those huge birds in the estersands, Oil 'em up, shoot 'em down =P.. or was it the dinosaurs.. nvm lol)

I didn't like the story, but the execution was top notch in every other aspect.

Edit: Ugh.. I remember..! it's the birds I was talking about. I had Balthier with an Altair... or a Fomalhaut... load up some fire-elemenatal ammo.. oil on the bird... have fun :P

Otherwise, they could become a serious threat, especially when you're low leveled and they come to you in packs.


Man, my Gambits were so good, I took on the higher monster hunting jobs (can't remember the name of them) at low levels and never got a game over. Remember the one in the snow mountain? I took him out at Lv. 70 if I remember correctly!

In fact, the game was so easy because of them! Just get the perfect Heal, Revive (and/or Potions) combo on your best character(s) + Haste and all those good status effect spells, and you're sure to never get a game over!

The one I remember best is the one at those fields near those Nalbina ruins... the one with the respawning skeletons near him... man that guy was a pain in the ass... skeletons would always show up to screw you from behind... had to go half manual half gambits with this one.

Or was it Nabradia....? that kingdom destroyed by magicite...