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I think Sony's gamer base is too varied for it to get good sales in anything at the moment. Last gen it was able to do so since it had the highest hardware sales. It had enough gamers from the different styles of gaming under one console. This gen it has far less and releasing any title will have smaller sales then what most predict.

Japan isn't into 1st person shooters, Europe is but not as much as America where the PS3 install base is small. The only way Killzone2 will make big sales is if it some how manages to captivate a huge percentage of its gamers (possibly through some hardcore advertising) and gets some new ps3 owners buying the game for what it is.

personally speaking, I don't think that will happen. KZ2 isn't a MGS4, nor does it have the following. It is no Mario, all it is, is a Sony hope for a push is sales.

If Sony can market it right and as well as the PS3 and have a good holiday season this year, I think KZ2 stands a good chance to possibly shift 2-2.5 million LTD.

As Zen would say, it is better to be safe then sorry. Hyping things from now would be a slap in the face if shit goes wrong.