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You can always find a reason to kick a stripper out of your bed:

1. She way too small... and looks too old... like yesteryear.. and she is a bit repetative... always the same moves... *Kicks her out..*
2. She is hot.. Way too hot! WTF did she just scratched me? & Hello? WTF did she died while I'm on top of her?.. *Kicks her out..*
3. She's big.. some may like her, but she talks too much, about what tomorrow brings.. Wooo.. talking about a 10 year plan... I'm not marrying her.. & why is she constanly talking about BluRay? I want to play with her, not watch movies with her. *Kicks her out..*


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)