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bdbdbd said:
@Noname: Admittedly, i put my words in a bad way.
Of course it takes more more money to put out a game on either HD console and even more, when you're putting the game on both. But what i read from the quote in question is, that the Wii version seems to be the more finalized one. Instead of polishing the HD versions, the Wii version has had the love (which hasn't really been the case so far).

I see what you're saying, but I don't think it's correct. Again, I'm going partly on the quotations provided (and partly on scuttlebutt from the internet), but I think Sega actually put more time and effort, not just money, into the HD versions. For instance, this author says:

"the company spent most of its time focusing on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions"


"maybe the company should have been focusing on the Wii version instead?"

(Sorry for the italicizations: it won't let me remove them).

Granted that the Wii version seems to be the best, but I'm getting the impression that's either more of a happy accident, or that the ironing out process on that version was left to DiMPs instead. We know DiMPs designed the daytime levels for the Wii version: perhaps they did more for it as well? I don't know. But I've had the impression that the HD version is the one that Sega's focused on, and this article does not dissuade me.