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Username2324 said:
You really are one arrogant little punk aren't you?

The only point you keep trying to make is that marketing is this big business that people think they have down to a strict system... I have never said that is false, in fact I know it to be true.

All I said was that watching a commercial on tv is the same as a friend showing it to you on the internet.

You disagreed, going back to your holy marketing practices. I say those don't have nearly the effect on people as you think they do. Whatever. You have made no real point here tonight, other than you think extremely highly of yourself, and that you'd marry marketing if you could.


I'm saying that's not true. and it's proven.
You can't accept that.  Also, studies show that teasers improve later evaluation. I don't know what else to tell you. You refuse to accept anything I say.


"As someone who has studied psychology for a few years, I am starting to wonder if prof00 is starting to go off the deep end. I understand the point that you're trying to make man, but at the same time, it's not always valid. You're trying to see things analytically. When it comes down to it, although some commercials DO actually have deep subliminal meanings, and I believe Sony's do. The issue is that somehow the messages get jumbled.

If someone sees a littlebigplanet 10 second teaser with all in game footage, they're more likely to ask a retail associate about the game or if the game is good. If someone see's a commercial with a happy couple on a date and some image on a wall in the background and it flashes Playstation, without saying the name of the game even, then the message is not fully sent.

I did partially get my ps3 based on the commercials. Nothing about a baby or the cell processor. I just happened to notice the commercials for this game."

You don't know what you I'm talking about. It's not a subliminal message. Its a teaser, it makes you like the full commercial later. This is proven.
I've said these things in response to people saying "they don't show anything" "I didn't even know what was happening"
-its a fucking teaser and designed to be that way for many reasons.

The bolded section is where you completely refute your "psychology training" You have no evidence of this except for your own personal beliefs. The first thing to learn in social pysch is "do not estimate". what you are doing is injecting what you think under the guise of reality. That is what this whole argument has been about.

Commercials are meant to be shown in a specific venue to a specific audience. Obviously, if a target audience lives in sweden they will have different commercials than the target in America. This is where not only does watching the commercial online fail to properly "market" to you (if you live in mexico, etc..), but also your tastes are generally going to be very different.

I don';t know I've tried to relate to you these very simple things but all you wanna say is "i know what I feel" so let's leave it at that. Your feeling equals everyone. Solved