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Here are some features i want to see.

- in-game browser support.
- shrink the in-game XMB / make it faster. Do we need a photo tab if we can view photo's ? Do we need a video tab if we can't see video's? etc.
- Move the controller battery charge amount down a little so it isn't covering up the clock.

As for price drops -- While PS3 could benefit from a price drop soon imho SONY needs to start making $$$ off PS3 first. If they can make a small profit this fiscal year in their game section then drop the price by $50 for the sales boost while maintaining profitability i think its for the best in the long run.

At this point their is no way SONY can compete with M$ on price -- 60gb 360's are cheaper than Wii's at RRP... not to mention after you add in retailer promotions / bundles ... the only thing 360 struggles with the damn WiFi connector price...