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Username: "Do people go around saying "I experienced a cool commercial last night" or "I saw a cool commercial last night"? "I experience a cool billboard on the highway" or "I saw a cool billboard on the highway"? "I experienced a funny ad on the radio" or "I heard a funny ad on the radio"?

Like I said, you are OVER ANALYZING this whole thing. People WATCH commercials, it's as simple as that. Comparing a commercial to sex is going too far and I am inclined to believe you have some issues you need to overcome if you believe that's a proper comparison.

Obviously you think marketing is this majestic, special, romantic thing. It's not, it's taking the finer points of your product and exposing them to the public. That's it. That's all."

don't delete your posts in the middle of a debate.

You obviously know where you stand right now