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Have a seat, Little Billy.....

*sits in rocking chair and grabs pipe*

You see, Little Big Planet is like them there "Build-A-Bear Workshops" that all the cool kids are into nowadays. Sure, you can go in there and make your own Teddy Bear. The only limit is your imagination. While some of us are excited by the potential to make a stuffed animal with boobs and sexy sexy legs, there are others that are more than happy to buy an awesome Teddy Bear right off of the rack. Nothing's wrong with that. It shouldn't effect your enjoyment of building Teddy Bears at all. If you make a Teddy Bear as awesome as World of Wonder's "Teddy Ruxpin" (fat chance. that is one sexy sexy bear!), then it's their loss isn't it? Go ahead and enjoy your stuffed animals!! I guess, what I'm trying to say're adopted.

See ya next time, Little Billy. But before you go, bring me a glass of ice.

*grabs bottle of Scotch*