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Do not buy one of the HD consoles, simply because you now have an HD set. Don't buy into the crazy stigma that somehow you're wasting your TV if you don't buy one. I've had my friend's 360 at my place for a week now, and even on a 50" set I don't care it does HD. I've even hit the switch on the cable to SD just for laughs once, still looked damn good, just a little blurry now. It’s a perk, not a reason to go buy an entire system.

Do buy one however if it has enough games you’re interested in, which sounds like the 360 for you. Unless you plan to heavily use the market place for HD Movie Rentals and TV Show purchases, I don’t think you’d need the Elite either. Just wait for the HDMI equipped Premiums to surface, they have the added heatsink found in refurbished units. (Still no 65nm chips)

You can also simply wait longer. You’re concerned about the reliability of the 360, and the PS3 currently has nothing your overly interested in. Why not just hold off for now and see how either of those issues develop?