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scottie said:
PS2 became the Wii - least powerful, highest sales, caters to casual and hardcore
GC became the PS3 - Shadow of a company's former glory, gone are the masses - only the fanboys remain
xbox became the 360 - The console of choice of shooting games


The wii doesn't cater to the hardcore. The Wii caters almost exclusively to the casual. The Xbox 360 used the PS2's gameplan to 1up Sony this gen. Sony did the exact opposite in copying the Xbox. As i've said, Nintendo always stands alone, win or lose. The games they are trying to sell stand no form of comparison to the PS2. The PS3 and Xbox 360 serve that purpose. This is why Nintendo is basically being ignored despite the great job Nintendo is doing. The Wii broke a brand new market of people. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are gathering the PS2 and Xbox owners of last gen.