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I don't see how I can get into this without really delving into Ayers, which as I said I don't think is worth doing right now. I'll say this much, I would contend that the reason Ayers was not a bigger issue to voters was because the campaign focused on the least important aspects of the connection ignoring the most important aspects. It was another symptom of a poorly run campaign and I think given the information that was hammered on I don't blame anyone for not understanding the connection's importance.

As I said, I fully agree that we need to move past the campaign phase and look at the major issues. If Palin brings the issue up I'll have a problem with her on this, but until then, I think Wolf Blitzer deserves as much if not more of the blame/ire than Palin does, all she did was answer the question honestly.

@Rub, I really don't think you know much about the situation, it was established by CAC documents (the organization Ayers founded and Obama chaired) that they worked together for over 5 years, and I do mean *together*.

To Each Man, Responsibility