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DOATS1 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
DOATS1 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Reasons the PS2 sold well:

- Came out a year ahead of the Xbox

- Was $100 cheaper straight out of the gate

- Was cheaper to develop for

- Had the best 3rd party games under heavy lockdown.

- Had timed exclusivity under heavy lockdown.


Hmmm....Sounds very similar to the Xbox 360 wouldn't you think? Except the Xbox 360 came out $200 cheaper than the PS3. The gameplan sounds strikingly similar.


i would agree with you if the 360 was currently the best selling system right now...but it isn' no, no simlarities. you see, the game plan is similar, but they results are so different it hurts.

Dude...the sales have nothing to do with it. I was talking about the gameplan similarities. If you want to see how it worked out for the 360, the Xbox 360 has had a different type of luck as opposed to last gen as far as sales so I would think you should notice that. They should surpass the lifetime sales of the Xbox by the end of the year. I hope you know that the 360's run is obviously to hold the PS3 back and set it up for the 720 launch.The 720 should have a much larger fanbase than the 360. The Playstation 2's future was paved by the PS1 and taking key Japanese RPG's and 3rd party games. Especially since they gathered FF from Nintendo and they got number but Crystal Chronicles.

the PS2 sold so well because it was at the right price at launch and it was the follow up from the highly successful PS1.

This is a given, but the PS2 destroyed the Dreamcast and Nintendo fell back. Americans were the only people optimistic about he Xbox. It was sold as a highly powerful system with the best graphics. Sound alot like the PS3? Definitely.


it already had a fanbase who could actually afford the console, unlike the ps3.

This is a given


all this talk of lockdown on exclusives really comes with the package of selling like hot cakes. sony didn't have to invest so much money in making sure the games stayed exclusive like microsoft did. devs knew where the bread and butter was. 


No...Sony paid alot of 3rd parties to keep their games exclusive. SE wanted to use DVD's and Sony paid Rockstar for 4 year exclusivity to keep the GTA series away from the Xbox, because Microsoft was after that series. The only reason devs knew where the bread and butter was, was because Microsoft was wet behind the ears. Proof of my way in thinking is how this gen turned out when the tables turned. The PS3 turned into the Xbox gameplan of this gen and the XBox 360 turned into the PS2 gameplan. The only thing the PS3 did better than the original Xbox was having better games.

 main point though: it already had a fanbase. it's partly the reason why people are still buying the very expensive ps3 when they could get the cheaper 360. the playstation brand is still stronger. if it were the other way round, microsoft wouldn't be so lucky.

Sonys fanbase has been split between the 360 and the PS3. Microsoft did it's job. All it has to do is maintain and continue to create an army of games until the gen is over when the PS4 and the 360 comes out. Oh yeah...I forgot. It's never over for the PS3. They will be out for a decade, because they know it's going to take a hell of a long time for them to sell over 100 million consoles just like the PS2 did in half the time.




i still disagree with your points. i would go into depth but i got to leave for work soon.

and where in my post did i state it's never over for the ps3? all i said is that the ps brand is STILL stronger than the xbox brand, and it is. not even you can deny that.



Explain that strength to me when PS3 surpasses the 360. :)