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Aprisaiden said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
shanbcn said:

After looking at best selling PS2 games, i reliased how happy companies must have been last gen because they didn't need 90+ on metacritic to sell games. Here is some facts.

Need for Speed 1 and 2 sold 6.5 million each, can you imagine NFS selling this amount even on both 360 and PS3?

Crash Bandicoot sold 5 million despite horrible reviews, and now many people didn't know when it released this gen.

Spiderman sold 4.33 million.

Simpsons: Hit and Run sold 4.24 million.

And the list is huge with 200+ million sellers.


I think metacritic and gamerankings have become to important this gen and with rising cost many dev just don't want to take risks with new IPs.


Reasons the PS2 sold well:

- Came out a year ahead of the Xbox

- Was $100 cheaper straight out of the gate

- Was cheaper to develop for

- Had the best 3rd party games under heavy lockdown.

- Had timed exclusivity under heavy lockdown.


Hmmm....Sounds very similar to the Xbox 360 wouldn't you think? Except the Xbox 360 came out $200 cheaper than the PS3. The gameplan sounds strikingly similar.


While PS2 did have those advantages don't forget.

 - came out 1 year AFTER the Dreamcast
 - Was $299 untill Xbox/Gamecube came out and it was due for a price drop... and the Gamecube launched at $199.
 - It was harder to develop for -- and only cheaper since engines had already been built.
 - Best 3rd party games were on lock down cause PS2 had already approx the lifetime sales of the Xbox / gamecube.

 While i agree Microsoft basically copied SONY's plan for last gen, their is still some major differences ...

 Anyway i think we can all agree Nintendo and Microsoft basically had the time of their lives after the $599 annoucment ... anyone who looked at the industry for more than 2 seconds saw how the SONY hype train crashed and burnt that day -- afterall their is only so many people prepared to pay $599 for a console. (imagine the Wii vs. $299 PS3 without blu-ray / slightly weaker spec's but launched holiday 2005... i have the feeling the PS3 might of won due to brand name)

 Overall who else can't wait untill post christmas sales so we can see how each console is doing. Afterall this gen started is 2006 - Ongoing(/2009)... and it can't be long untill the next gen are set into motion by the annoucment of PSP2 / DS2... (2010?)

-The Dreamcast came out a year earlier than next gen schedule was because Sega prematurely tried to make up for the shitty job they did with the Saturn, with that extremely high price point for the mid 90's. The PS1 was still cheaper than the Saturn and Sega refused to use third parties and diversify with RPG's.The PS2 destroyed the Dreamcast on so many fronts.

-The playstation had already achieved dominance, especially after taking the FF series away from nintendo and giving people more choice on the PS1. The Gamecube didn't have enough 3rd party support that wasn't multiplat. The 1st party titles were rather redundant and the Playstation 2 capitalized off of that. Sony was able to capitalize off of being a monitarily stronger company than Nintendo and Sega.

The Xbox 360 resembles the PS2, but has it's own positives and negatives. The PS3's campaign strikingly resembles the original Xbox.


 You're right, I cannot wait for 2009 for sure. You just don't know, lol. Now that I got the PS3 i'm going to buy enough games so I don't have to buy games for like 4 to 5 months, lol.