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naznatips said:
Darc Requiem said:
naznatips said:

I'm glad your entire enjoyment of games is based on what other people think about them.  There are those of us though who form opinions separate from those of reviewers, and in mine FFXII was awful.  Not even a debate for me.  I would not replay that game if you paid me.  I would actually rather go to work than play FFXII, and that goes double for Oblivion.

@Darc Requiem

Excuse me, an evil alien machine invasion.  My fault.  There was nothing deep about it.  It was laughably simplistic.  Although nothing made me laugh as hard as the romance. The worst cheesiest dialog to grace a video game in years.  If Mass Effect were a movie, it would be lucky to be considered a B-Movie.  It's a mess in story, character development, and design (my god how many times can you remake the same fucking planet with a different texture paint?  Try not making your game in a map editor).  Playing WoW by yourself is better than Mass Effect.  At least it has variety of design

Okay any credibility you had just flew the coop with that one. I get that you are not a big fan of Mass Effect but WoW. Seriously? WoW is the FFVII of MMOs. It extremely popular and extremely overrated. A game that is dumbed down for the masses and able to run on just about any somewhat recent PC. I was going to type up a long detailed response but after the WoW reference it would obviously be a complete and utter waste of my time.


It certainly was an exaggeration, but not much of one.  Also, I certainly appreciate games that are fun to play for the masses.  It's the opposite, the elitist bullshit that no one but those willing to devote their entire lives to a game can enjoy, that I hate.

And surely you don't like MMOs at all if you don't like WoW, as every new MMO in the last 3 years has done nothing but copy it.


I've been playing MMO's for far longer than 3 years. Whether it be the original Everquest, Rubies of Eventide, Asheron's Call 2, Anarchy Online, Shadowbane, etc. etc. I don't hate MMO's. I don't even hate WoW. I just see it for what it is. It the first MMO for a lot of people and because of that its flaws get over looked. The only thing they truly nailed with WoW is the PvP. The PvE is highly generic and overall content of the game is severely lacking. WoW isn't terrible is just woefully average. Even the more complex MMO's have been dumbing themselves down to be more friendly to WoW players.

BTW Sorry for getting off topic everyone, but comparing WoW to Mass Effect would be like me comparing the single player quest in Phantasy Star Universe to Lost Odyssey.