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I would humbly suggest that the categories find there way out of the gutter. Firstly to even list someone for a negative category you must gain their consent, otherwise apparently your flaming another poster. Trust me the moderators are ridiculously obsessive about this one. You cannot even say this is how they seem to me, because there is no difference between perception and reality. So you can say that poster seems like a lunatic to me, and you have called that person a lunatic. Thus you are banned.

Secondly your never actually going to be able to give such a reward to the person truly deserving of it. They will never volunteer, and those that volunteer are just attention whores. Honestly those posters could be banned, and the conversation would actually become better. These are also the same posters that pad their counts, by contributing a single line to every post they join in.

Might I suggest positive poster benchmarks. That are less about popularity contests, and more about recognizing the posters for what they do positively.

Scholar for the most learned poster on the subject, but is not a staff member.
Writer for the poster that crafts their words into a thing of awe.
Archivist for the poster that is on the spot with the necessary link.
Humorist the poster that is funniest. Not the most laughed at or most fun.
Taxidermist the poster that works a subject tills its dead, stuffed, and mounted.
Semantic the poster that debates the definition of words the most.
FUBAR the poster that is most likely to leave you that in a debate.
Visualist the poster that uses videos or pics to greatest effect in reference to the thread. Not the best signature of avatar, but the poster that used a relevant visual aid to the subject.