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So we got this idea earlier in the year and it seems that time of year is closing by.



ZEXEN WILL BE HELPING ME!! HIS POST [2nd post in this thread] Will include more that I may have missed. Most of these will eventually fall off with only about 20 or so final categories.

Categories: 1) Member of The Year
2) Best Avatar
2) Best Signature
3) Post of the Year
4) Biggest PS3 fanboy
5) Biggest Wii fanboy
6) Biggest 360 fanboy
7) Troll of the Year
8) Spammer of the Year
9) Thread of the Year
10) Moderator of the Year
11) Harshest Moderator
12) Nicest Member
13) Gamer of the Year
14) Funniest Post of the Year
15) ROFL Member of the Year
16) ROFL Thread of the Year
17) Sexiest Avatar
18) Most Helpful Member
19) Most Deserved Ban
20) Best Thread Creator
21) User who went missing and never came back
22) Best Ban Reason of the Year
23) Attention whore member
24) Joke of the Year
25) Best sex thread
26) Nostradamus Award [best prediction]
27) Member of 07
28) Meanest MEmber
29) Most thread created
30) Worst Thread of the Year
31) top 3 WTF!!! Moment
32) Permabanned member of the year[who came back]
33) Worst Prediction
34) Boycott Freak
35) Offtopic thread of the year
36) Emo of the Year -_-
37) Best Derailer
38) Worst Avatar
39) Worst GRammar

News of the year
Week of the year [sales]
Week of the year [news]
Most unfair Permaban [someone who is still banned]
