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The people are friendly (for the most part), the south think the north is rough/common, the north think the south is all farmers and inbreds. People DO love tea and eating fish and chips.

Also, it's always raining, and everyone always points out that it's always raining in every conversation, even though it's not exactly news.

Prices are extortionate, really extortionate, but people still look down their noses at you when you buy the value price stuff (like 20p tins of beans or the 30p loaves of bread).

Oh, and most Americans dont realise the friction between Welsh, Scottish, Irish and English people. We're all British but only Welsh, Scottish and Irish people hate being called British because they say it erodes their identities. Even though Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are all part of the same country now...(the UK).

All in all, it is a good place to live (and the TV is miles better than America, far fewer adverts for one thing), but not perfect :D

Oh, and we drink real beers, in properly dingy pubs with football on the telly (that's actual football, not American football which ironically doesn't involve feet). And everyone loves football here.

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