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What's funny is that people try to downplay it as "well we know it's not Gears 2!" The point is, R1 and Gears1 were released in the same holiday period . Back then people were talking about Resistance as competition to Halo. Even Sony was heavily banking on it and we all know about the fanboy over hype. However, Halo was the least of the problems for Resistance. It was outdone by Gears and now the gap will be extended further. Gears turned out to be an elite franchise and Resistance turned out to be just another good game. That's the difference. People who believed that Resistance is an Elite franchise and thus were expecting those sort of numbers will be disappointed. Those who understand that it's just another good game released this holiday season will see the numbers as respectable.

Ofcourse, the moment numbers don't look good, the talk of "LEGS!!!!" or "OMG! wait for game X" start right up. Let a game SHOW you it's gonna have legs first before proclaiming such.