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Afterman said:

OK...I am new to this site (in terms of posts), but I ve been reading it for quite a long time. Despite that, I accept all kinds of critics.

So during this year (since I bought my PS3, January 2008) I have been reading that 2008 was going to be PS3 year, beacuse of all the new games, home, network, etc. We PS3 fans were waiting for 2 things:

1. Great games for our platform.

2. That this great games would spike sales a lot and outsell XBOX360 and get at least in 2nd place.

But what happened REALLY?

1. We have right now MGS4, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Bioshock and more. Great games, I mean, great games. Also Ratchet And Clanck, GTA4, Wipeout HD.

2. Did not happen. I mean, the gap between the PS3 and the XBOX360 is getting bigger and bigger. So, why should this be different in 2009? I mean, lets compare:

We have a big title for the PS3...Resistance 2...everyone is waiting for it (almost)...big install base...and only sells 300.000. On the other side FABLE and GEARS are monsters , I mean....monsters...The only reasonable explanation is that the 360 is really the hardcore console.

But...we PS3 fans say: you know GOD OF WAR 3? GRAN TURISMO? WHITE KNIGHT CHRONICLES? Hellooooo,.,.... KILLZONE 2? Well...I think that they are huge games...and if they were on 360, they would sell millions and millions...and more millions...but they are on PS3...and only Gran turismo is going to be a Gears of war like or a Halo game, in terms of sales. Maybe Killzone is going to be a great seller also, but nothing like GEARS 2 or HALO 3.


Why the hell does XBOX360 users buy so much software?

So....i think that for this generation...Microsoft is closer for a win than SONY. ( HD gaming).

We still need to see the pricecut for the PS3.



Finally...someone gets the point.