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akuma587 said:
There is no question about the male part of ladder theory being true. Every guy is interested in just about all of his girl friends unless they fall below his standards or he has to be friends with them for some other reason than his own choosing. Ladder Theory needs no further explanation on the male end.

The biggest variable is the female end and whether or not guys are essentially grafted to the Friends Ladder once they become a girls friend and if they can ever make it off the friends ladder.


It's hard to tell, either jumping from the friends ladder to the other one is much easier than he makes it sounds, or it's completely false. Every girl I've been with started off as a really good friend and then went forward. Then I guess it might depend on the guy too, if he is a short-term or the long-term type of guy.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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