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Completely OT here:

Since you have been driven to one of the last places to turn for help (an internet forum) I'm guessing you are one of the shy guys that has trouble getting to know the girl. I have the exact same problem, so I found a nice work around. Find some of her guy friends and start hanging out with them a little, could be girl firends too, I find it 01 times easier to go up to and talk to a girl I'm not aiming for than THE one. Eventually you will start hanging out with them more and soon you will meet her. Now this is the key part. You can't be shy around her at all. Just talk to her and have fun with her like you would any normal girl and eventually assk her out. HOWEVER, the MOST IMPORTANT part of this is that you must ALWAYS keep to the Ladder Theory. I can't stress how important the Ladder Theory is.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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