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hitoriki said:

The thing is I dont know her, she works in the same building as me. A girlfriend of mine says she is single but she doesn't know her enough to introduce me and I'm not very good in talking to to girls like that.

I want introduce myself and ask her out, but I dont want to seem to agressive doin it in the wrong way.

So, what do you thing I should do.

This is an easy one.

First, make sure you have these things: Binoculars, a life jacket, Calvin Kleins and a tricked out DeLorean.

Second, Mapquest her house.

Third, go to her house and find a tree that offers a view right into her window.

Fourth, climb the tree with binoculars and peer into window.

Fifth, fall into street below as soon as a car is near you.

Sixth, woman falls for you and asks your name. Tell her Calvin, like on your jeans.

Hold on ... wait a minute. I think that was a movie or something. Trying to figure out where the DeLorean comes in.

Ok, for real now - get to know her as her friend. Realize your strengths and your weaknesses. And just find out if you like the things she likes. Friendship make take longer, but you can figure if she's a nutcase before you get involved. It's easier to sever the connection before bodily fluids are exchanged.