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@Dominicator: The thing here is, that what else Sony can do? Whether we like their stupidities, all they can do is try to give positive impression (in context) about the future. They aren't going to "fuck off for not getting the PS3" (although the PR have hinted to this around 2 years ago).
So i don't think the comment was to shareholders, atleast as much it was for the public, since PS3 is practically in a price deadlock due to BD and 360 had a pricut, which Sony can't call. So they want to assure the public that 360 (and Wii) isn't the right purchase.

@Grooski: Apparently you aren't getting why Wii is specswise more "futureproof" than PS360 (since you apparenty hinted to this). Currently Wiis specs are outdated and it will remain this way. When the next gen arrives, it can't hit Wii for its specs, but it will outdate PS3 and 360, which will both lose their "high performance" -value. Of course, the next gen will mimic Wii to an extent, but Wii will likely have a price and game advantage and late adopters most likely will get a console with cheap price, loads of cheap games and large aftermarket. And Nintendo will have the brand advantage, unless someone can disrupt Nintendo.

Yes, Sony is in remarkable position at the moment, which reminds me about the "old wisdom" of finnish sports commentators: (10 000 meters run starts) "Martti was left last at the start and is getting into remarkable striking position". (after 5000 meters) "Martti is still last and his position is only getting better as the race advances". (The race finishes) "Martti was left two rounds behind in the last place, but the run was strategically remarkable for him keeping in striking distance through the whole race".

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.