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for all the doubters on Sony's 10yr Plan!

What in holy hell makes you think that they will not reach this goal? Think about what they have done with the PS3 in the first place. They made it as future proof as they possibly could. The PS3 boasts BluRay, Cell Technology, etc. Pretty advanced shit by any means. The 360 and Wii do not come close to matching it in hardware.

Sony has implemented these things so when the standard of what people are expecting in games rises again their system will be well prepared, at least on a PS2-XBOX level.

There is also simply too much riding on the success of the PS3 for Sony to break their own plan. Think about it. When formulating the inclusiongs of your next console you upgrade not downgrade! What could the PS4 possibly have over the PS3? Will it not contain bluray as the PS3 did? That would be silly as the PS3 is the savior of bluray. Sony will implement BR into everything possible. Will it use cell tech? Most likely, another home grown production of Sony and they have alot riding on it as well. Will it have the already existing userbase?NO, PS3 will have accumilated a hefty one by then though, while if they start over with the PS4 they will have to gain them all over again. Will it have better graphics card, ram? yea, but is it really need?

So far the PS4 would have to have bluray(faster drive), cell(better in some way), better graphics card, better ram, with no userbase. If the PS3 costs about 500 now with all these features that means that the PS4 will be somewhere around the same price. So you people are expecting a PS4 at $600 price tag to do better then the PS3 who is ALREADY ahead of it's time at about $400. All that would do is completely recreate all the big issues Sony had with the PS3 ALL OVER again. Why, when it would be much smarter is to stick with PS3 and work on those issues and fullfill the 10yr life cycle as planned so all of the big issues(price mostly) can be eradicated.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)