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anyone who thinks a wii version of lbp would sell worse than the ps3 version is a crazy fanboy. everything about the wii from its much larger userbase to its already existing population of casual games and casual gamers to the fact that these types of games always have big legs on wii when they get marketing suggest that it would sell far far better on the wii. it does not prove anything when you try to point out similar good games that haven't sold well when the reason they didn't sell well was no marketing. every system has good games that justdon't sell well for whatever reason, the fact that de blob or zack&wiki didn't sell loads has nothing to do with the fact that a wii lbp would destroy lbp ps3 in sales.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy