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Resident_Hazard said:
I have dreamt of gaming, though in the "Tetris Affect" sort of way. With both Metroid Prime 3 and Meteos, I ended up having several restless nights dreaming of playing the games. I woke up a once feeling like I'd just accomplished a ton of stuff in MP3 only to realize I'd dreamed it all.

Meteos dreams got so bad that I completely stopped playing the game anywhere near bedtime because I'd be at that half-awake, half-asleep point damn near all night sliding stupid little blocks around. A couple times, it got so bad that I was actively trying not to think of the game because it was preventing me from actually sleeping. I tossed and turned a lot at that point.


I love repitive skill based games like Melee, Mario Kart, Tertis, Geometry Wars ect, but I have probelms sleepingas well if I play any of thos game for more than 5 hours in one day; especially teris. Horrible, HORRIBLE moving black dreams >.< Geometry Wars is pretty bad; I can fall asleep at least but the sleep is terrible.  don't play geo wars or aything else like that for more than 3 hours a day now.