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MasterVG71782 said:
The potential is there for DLC game packs, but at what cost? They could probably release something like a 10 game pack for $5 or something down the line, which will probably piss off Wii owners that love the Virtual Console.

Addedd trophy and achievement (obviously) support is always a plus, although it'll probably just be "Complete this game" for each one.


40 games + maybe 5 hidden titles, yup, looks like 1 achievement worth around 20-25 G's for each game to me.

I know it was due to DLC that Halo 3 has moved up to like 79 achievements, But you would hope that due to the sheer amount of games available in this collection that they could boost this up to at least the 80 barrier aswell.

Im not counting on it though.