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No I don't usually make any such forms of predictions, but after learnign how much BC sold on day one (2.4 million, 3.5 mil for the firs month) I just got around to wondering. The 2.4mil for BC was when the subscriber figure was at around 7-8 million. Of course there were a lot of returning players too since that number is only active members. Right now it's 2 years later, there are 11 million active subscriptions and I'm estimating several million people who have the game but just aren't playing, possibily planning on returning with WOTLK. Given the far more massive player count now compared to 2 years ago I'm thinking that WOTLK will give Halo 3 a run for its money. Anyone one else wanna chime in with opinoins, burns, support, w/e?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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