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fkusumot said:
madskillz said:

Man, it's all gravy. I think Puff Daddy, Bill Cosby (now) and Jesse Jackson don't speak for black folks. They are loons.

There are a few blacks I identify with - my dad, my grandfathers, my best man at my wedding - but most black celebs and pols? Nah. I do admire Colin Powell, Chappie James and a few others.


So who's you're race leader now!

I believe my race leader is currently either George Takei or Keanu Reaves, depending on whether it's an odd or even day.

LOL. No, but I think blacks are so diverse we can't have just one voice. We have a few voices of reason - but hay, there are bad seeds all around in the black race - Ken Blackwell, Clarence Thomas, Alan Keyes, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Cosby and Jesse Jackson.