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First, we can all agree that LBP is great.

It is assumed that the game will have legs.

I've seen many "LBP will be HUGE" posts, and I didn't know what to make of them. Were they just goading other people because it's kind of a talking point type thing? An internet saying? Or were these people believing that the game would be huge, which imo is the level of sales Halo 3 and Kart. If LBP is huge, saleswise, then what are those games? Perhaps someone could explain it to me, but I am rambling.


Anyway, the first weeks sales are rolling in:

Sales History

Region Japan America Others Total
Total Sales 0.05m 0.16m 0.00m 0.21m
Week 1 49,839 164,434 n/a 214,273

Of course, the week 1 numbers for America, are week 0, and account for prereleased copies, and not week 1 sales.

So far, the game has sold 49,839 copies in its first week, with only Japan counted.


Super Mario Galaxy:

Sales History

Region Japan America Others Total
Total Sales 0.99m 3.77m 2.45m 7.21m
Week 1 260,993 635,162 189,143 1,085,298
Week 2 78,563 384,543 155,376 618,482


There is also a question of many bundles that were sold, so lets add 10,000 to the first week sales of LBP. If we extrapolate that for Japan, we get roughly 60,000 verses 260,000 week 1. Mario Galaxy has sold 1 million lifetime in Japan.

Extrapolating those numbers means that if LBP follows Mario Galaxy's sales trends, it would sell about 230,000 units in Japan, or 23 percent.

Good numbers for a new IP with a smaller userbase.

I think extrapolating those figures further would be vastly inaccurate, but just for completeness, it would end up at about 1.7 million worldwide, if it sold 23 percent of Mario Galaxy's sales.

I think it will sell better than that, due to Others.

In the end, it'll all still be guesses.


Anyway, if I had to guess, right now, the game will sell about 2.5-4 million lifetime. Possibly less.

To keep things in perspective, MGS4 has only sold 3.36 million copies, so I could possibly be way over, but I hope and feel the game has legs.


Spread the word of mouth about this great game. Let's all at least hope it sells well over time. Others will be the key for this game. I can't wait for those numbers, and I'll update this thread at that time.

What do you think of Week 1 sales of LBP, and how do you think they are relative to LTD sales? Will it have legs? Which region will buy the most copies? Are the week 1 numbers dissapointing or encouraging? Neither?

Is LBP huge? If so, define "huge."

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.