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I'm enjoying the game so far (I'm at Chapter 7), but I have to admit to liking Earthbound more. This one takes itself a little too seriously for my tastes. Part of what I loved so much about Earthbound was that it had one non-sequitir after another, but it never seemed to stop and realize just how off the wall it was.


An example: in your second town you're taking on a cult devoted to painting everything blue. In the third you're fighting off a zombie invasion...with Zombie Paper. Then you go on an involuntary psychedelic journey with the aid of "modern chemistry." It was just one weird, awesome moment after another.

This game, by contrast, tries too hard to mix in "real" JRPG plot. While that has its payoffs too (most notably when Flint finds out that Hinawa died...that was pretty moving), it's not as unique as Earthbound was, at least not so far.

Like I said, I'm enjoying Mother 3, and look forward to finishing it ASAP, but to me, it's just not the same.