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Skeeuk said:
NNN2004 said:
Skeeuk said:
i highly doubt resistance 2 will aggregate higher than gears 2.

both games will be heavily fanboy reviewed, one will be reviewed up and one down.

to be honest with you i can picture resistance 2 aggregating at 89 or something like that

but it dont matter the game is awsome, and its my shooter for 2008

yah like me i will get it even if its get 80.



what pissed me off on gears 2 review is they highly praise multiplayer on some sites, saying its the best part, but on res2 review they talk down on its multiplayer. which is the most innovotive multiplayer ever made on consoles.

i think once all reviews are in it will keep at 90 - 91 with gears having 93 to 94, but i wouldnt be suprised if R2 came in at 89

i hate fanboy reviewers the most


Fanboys aren't reviewing the game, and reviewers aren't corrupt. I've been telling you for a while, bullet points don't equal fun. Over-crowding a map for multiplayer sucks. It's not an innovative achievement. Having as many people as possible isn't good. It's a clusterf^&k. There is a thing called balance.

Now, Gears 2 apparently has a fun balance. Cliffy knows what he's doing in the multiplayer arena. Good for him. Good G2 reviews shouldn't piss you off. The reviewers aren't fanboys, and perhaps some of the things they are saying are valid.


To put it in context, it's like you saying that Donkey Kong would have been better if they doubled the number of fireballs and barrels, and such a change in the game could be nothing but excellent and good.

Sometimes, adding bad bullet points takes away from a game, instead of adding to it.

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It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.