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kay here's what the whole thread is about.

As we all know there was a way to play gamecube games on the Wii, whe the gc games weren't from the same region as the console (Wii-pal, gc games-ntsc, we clear?). Action replays didn't work and neither did those freeloader discs.

But because of a glitch in the Wii system you were able to swap discs during the game startup in the disc channel. This way the system had no choice but to play the gc disc regardless of the region it came from.

Yet now, after the new system update, I find it impossible to launch a gc disc in the manner shown above. Actually it seems to me as if the Wii started to automatically reset itself just after swiping the discs, at a faster pace than before. Let me just point out that I have been trying for the past 2 hours to launch a game this way.

My question is: Am i just having a very bad day, therefore my manual abilities just suck and that's why i can't get the darn thing to work, or maybe Nintendo has actually fixed this "glitch" forcing me to actually to buy a gamecube so that i could play my precious Luigi's Mansion ;( ? Please enlighten me......Just remember that i want a.....satisfying answer..(anyone heard what happened to the bearer of bad news?)

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there


