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ZenfoldorVGI said:
forevercloud3000 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Zim said:


As for Fallout 3. The PS3 version had a few issues supposedly, I watched my friends play it for PS3 and saw nothing wrong. Come to find out, the 360 version has the same ratio of graphical issues if not more. It depends mostly on system to system basis. Also the 360 version has some game breaking issues as well, ones that the PS3 version lacks. So Not only did the PS3 version not deserve to be marked lower then the 360 version, it deserved to be HIGHER. Yet IGN only partially corrected their mistake by making the scores even now.


This is completely untrue. The PS3 version has a worse frame-rate at parts of the game, and the game partially freezes when you're connected to the internet and a user logs on. It's confirmed by several websited, including IGN, Gamespot, and Official Playstation Magazine.

Don't take IGNs review retraction as an admission that the PS3 version is equal. They just removed a specific complaint so the review would be able to be valid after the patch.

The assertion that Fallout 3 deserves to be rated higher on the PS3 than 360 is utter anecdotal nonsense. One website says the game runs fine on the PS3, 40 others say it is not only the worse version, but a particularly bad version of the game.

You're a Sony fan. Sometimes being a big fan of something, makes you think things are unjust, when they aren't.

Sometimes, fans just accept it, like in this thread:

Give it a glance before you reply.


I have seen the PS3 version in action. It runs perfectly fine. I do not doubt that there very well may be some frame glitching, screen tearing, slight pausing. Yet from what I have heard of the 360 version, is that it bears these very same issues. I have also read that the 360 version has a game crashing glitch while saving. Thats the kind of glitch that should get points deducted, not some miniscule frame skip.



Your original assertion was that game deserved to be rated higher on the Playstation 3. Gamespot, IGN, OPMuk, and several other sources confirm that the 360 version is superior for many many reasons, and the official Fallout 3 forums(and all forums on the internet) confirm that certain problems do appear and are significant on the PS3 version of the game. Sites actually rated the PS3 version lower, just to make this clear.

The game does play worse, and has more glitches on the Playstation 3 version. It does not deserve a higher score than the 360 version.

I'm not saying the PS3 version is bad. I'm just saying that it's not superior in any way, and in reality, there hasn't been a game this big, that has been as significantly worse on the PS3 version, since The Orange Box.

The reason seems obvious. Multiplats need to be developed for the PS3 first, in order to be easily ported. Bathesda is a PC company. They weren't making 3 specific versions of the game, or simply porting the game to the PS3 with months of maticulious labor like they did with the PS3 port of Oblivion. They made the game on PC. They ported it to 360 and PS3. They launched the same day. Thus, the PS3 version didn't get the special attention PS3 versions need to run well.


1stly i wont be getting this game as there are far better games out there. plus i still havent finished oblivion

but it doesnt actually play worse at all, its the same game that has grafical quirks that arnt up 2 the 360 version, i mean u cant say the 360 version is miles better or anything as the game is same.

but because of the visual quirks on ps3 verion which i hope they patch, i would rate 360 version higher by a couple of points, simply because it stands together better overall, although both games are same if u know what i mean.

i also have to disagree on the orange box. ive played both and have ps3 version, both are identicle apart from, longer load times on ps3, a worse frame rate during heavy fire fights on ep2 and a better online lobby system for team fortress.

apart from that they are identicle, what i hate most though is fanboy reviews, the orig OB reviews for ps3 orange box put me off buying the game, when i finally did thier reviews dont match up2 the game i have in my hands.

OB aggregate is 96 on 360 and 89 on ps3 <------------ thats just pure fanboy reviewism.

if u ever get to play ps3 version please go ahead, u will find it to be the same apart from the points i listed. and if you are a gamer which im sure u are, you would agree that in no way did OB deserve them awful reviews it got.

back on topic though, i would rate fallout 3 on 360 a little higher mabey 2 points higher because of grafix. but if u have ps3 only u would be mad to not buy it as its the same game.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...