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naznatips said:
Just completed the 360 version of the demo. PS3 version is still installing, but here's what I noticed on the 360 version:

FR is pretty sad. 30fps at max, and dips down to as low as 20 (which is very noticeable in a game about speed). Jaggies are everywhere. The buildings, the characters, the little birds flying around. Everything. AA can't be higher than 2X. Screen tearing is reasonably frequent. You should notice it anytime you try to turn the camera quickly while running at a high speed. You'll also notice some minor tearing in the end cutscene after the demo is completed.

If the PS3 version turns out to be worse, I'll be waiting on the PC release. In a game about speed and immersion, these technical issues are severely damaging to the experience.

I must have some type of blindness, because outside of jaggies, I don't notice anything wrong.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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