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MrBubbles said:

MrBubbles conducted a side by side comparison of the 2 demos and has decided to share his findings. 

MrBubbles determined that both versions were equal in a number of ways.  Both versions loaded the same, both ran the same, and both were texturally equal. 

However the enhancements on the PS3 version were glaringly obvious.  It contained not only enhanced screen tearing, but enhanced jagginess as well.  It only barely edged out in the jagginess department (it was far closer than what i noticed in the Bioshock vs Bioshock).  But it completely blew its opponent out of the water with its screen tearing.  The difference was severe, to say the least.


MrBubbles doesnt personally like the game ...but if you you are interested in this game and own both systems.... If these enhancements dont appeal to you, you would do well to pick up the Xbox360 version of the game.

Eh, I didn't notice screen tearing at all. 

Exclusive DLC > Mr. Bubbles thinks there is screen tearing

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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