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@endiminion: You don't seem to understand how democracy works.

@libellule: Read the above. And problem is, that you don't know, how fundamental the islamists are. Since christmas isn't islamic holiday, they could end it when get in to power. Why do you think that every christian holiday is so big number in the US. Thats because of the high percentage of religious people there. I hear people in the US even go to church. LOL

@outlawauron: People haven't abandoned god for islam (thats even impossible, since also islam has god), in Europe people just know how to deal with religion and don't believe in any god.

There's basically only christmas when sales get boosted, and maybe a small boost every time there's 3-4 days weekend, because of holidays, when people go visit their relatives across the country. People may buy a game for kids "back home". But since the holidays differs between countries, and games aren't the usual present, we are talking about very small increase.
Also the time when parents vacations start, portable games get boost because travel then and kids need something to do while travelling. But since the period is from june to august, it divides to a long period, so there's not a clear spike in sales. While home console sales boost month after the vacations end (remember the time period), when financial issues are again back on track and a small boost may also be visible when school starts sometime in august/september.

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Eikä Japanisti.

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Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.