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If people are expecting this game to move consoles, what is it for Sony that the more consoles they sell, the more money they lose? Surely the games would benefit and increase Sony's part, but if you're expecting games to move the PS3, it will cost the system financially.

I was thinking of saying this; if you think LBP will be huge, it's the same thing as saying your you-know-what is huge (for guys). I mean, sure it may be huge, but it's like every other guy's you-know-what. It doesn't make it special, but it stands out (sticks out). It's something that every guy has, so big whoop. Same thing for a video game, as there are tons of games out there that are unique. But if you expect something to be unique, it's your opinion, but not everyone is going to agree with you. Other gamers could care less for the game, and I sure do care less because it may not appeal to everyone who either owns or doesn't own a PS3. All my friends who are also gamers don't see the point in this game. One person said it was a wasted attempt to attract newcomers and steal some thunder from Microsoft and Nintendo, because of the position that Sony is in. He also stated that from the beginning of the PS3's release, there should have been a game out there like LBP, but not one game can change the tide of how the system is going to sell. Many games will, which has happened to the PS2.

I work at a daycare, and most of my co-workers are female; there is only 2 other guys who work there, and I work with infants (believe it or not) all the way to 5th graders. All my co-workers (including the two other men) have their eyes set on the Wii. The only person who owns a PS3 at where I work is my supervisor, but her husband and son play with it. The FUNNY thing about her family is that they could care less about shooters, but favor racing and sports (especially football and golf). I mean, if you have football and golf games on the PS3 and the system has realistic graphics, why not play in actual reality? Anyways, a lot of the women who work there own at least a DS or two (I'm the only person there who owns 3 DS; two Lites and an original, may get another one because my one Lite has a messed up screen). The female teachers all rave over Professor Laton, Animal Crossing, Nintendogs and other games. Only 2 of the school aged kids own a PS3 and the rest either have mainly a Wii and few of an X360. I showed my co-workers an exert of LBP and they said they've never heard of the game before. The daycare has its own Wii system, two GCNs and one PS2 (I'm never going to donate my games to the daycare because of what the children do to their discs). The director had said that none of the workers or children are allowed to bring an X360 or PS3 due to their games having the majority of being violent. I don't blame her, because there's nothing worth being interested on there, for children at least.

So where is the hype that my co-workers have heard or seen for LBP? My friend Ashley regulary goes to GameStop (where she lives) and she said that there are no fliers or cutouts for LBP. I live in-town, and I haven't seen one thing for LBP, and my town has nearly 6 million in the Triad of North Carolina, and I've been to mostly 25% of the GameStops there where I live. None have had LBP signs. My friend Mark who works at the GameStop in Winston-Salem (where I live) said that they only had 4 pre-orders for the game there, and there are no signs. Hardly anyone buys a PS3 at their store, but mainly Premium and Elite X360s and all the time they sell out of Wii and DS, and sometimes sell out of PSP but not a whole lot. The Best Buy next to the mall doesn't have ANYTHING for LBP. They have lots of stuff for Guitar Hero and Rock Band, and I haven't seen any Resistance 2, Fable II or LBP. So where's the hype that you guys are talking about?