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So im 15 and I figured I would go out and get some candy one last year, so I go with about 6 of my friends and we get some candy and we had a meal at Mcdonalds.

We start heading about a kilometer away from where I lived near a high school. I told my friends, why the hell are we going into this area theres a lot of trouble here.

But they were calling my a pussy and other names, so I had to go with them otherwise I would have been an easy target walking back home bymyself. We cross the street from the main road into a small street and half of my group is ahead of me and some other guys when about 7 big black guys jump us for our candy. My friends got thrown to the ground and I had to give up my candy.


Since I got my bag jacked, I got my friends back that looks liek mine and got some candy so my parents dont think anything bad went down. I was pretty pissed that these fucking pieces of shit have to prey on 15 year old kids for candy. I was so pissed that when I was walking home I kicked and electric box and the whole street went dim lol. So ya I just though I would share that story with you guys because im very bored right now. I love it when I'm right