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rocketpig said:
When you roll in money a la Scrooge McDuck, you don't have to cater to multiple bases (looks at Blizzard). Still, I need to get a PC rig going. I think I'm missing out on a lot.

Even Fallout 3 will be a vastly superior game on PC once the modders get their claws into it.


Sadly they may not any time soon. Bethesda is not releasing the modding tools and they have not said when, if at all, that will happen.

I gotta agree with the dumbing down on consoles. I'm still playing Warcraft 3 and UT2004. An occassional run through Deus Ex every so often too to keep things fresh.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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