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Groucho said:
Garcian Smith said:
Groucho said:

If the publishers are struggling so much, then maybe they should start blaming, oh, you know, themselves.

Maybe you should write a book on how to make good business decisions, as a video game publisher.  I'm sure it'll sell zillions.

It may not sell zillions, but it probably won't lose billions of dollars either. So I guess we can conclude that Garcian Smith knows more about business than a crapload of game publishers.

I'd also add that Garcian Smith's post amounts to "if publishers can't stay in business, they're doing something wrong." I see no flaw in that argument.


On topic, I have little sympathy with this man or any other publisher crying foul about the used games market. If your current market model isn't working, find a new one. Don't go looking for the most convenient scapegoat to cover your own failures: used games have been an active market for years now, so why is it only recently that publishers are starting to care? Look to what caused the variable to suddenly become problematic, and fix that. Don't whine that something that's been around for a while are suddenly intolerable.

Having companies trample consumers' rights just because they can't adapt to the business environment they're in? Not a good solution.