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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
I never owned a Wii, for good reasons if i did it would be the worst, but since i was smart enough to avoid it many O' times i'd say worst would have to be my gamecube which i gave to my mom lol!

In My Personal Opinion, nintendo should stop making consoles there always low quality, i'd even prefer a "Apple" console to a nintendo one, atleast then it'd be some sort of HD.


God I hope you're talking about library quality cause if you're talking about build quality you're so full of it as Nintendo used to build the most powerful units it's only when Wii came out they decided to go for less power.  And if you mean breakable well 360 is the worst in that catagory but 2nd and third would be PS1 and PS2...  but if the library wasn't to your liking on GC it can be understandable but really you probably didn't play a majority of the amazing exclusives GC had.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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