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Alright, 24 hours in, and this is no Fallout, but it is a LOT better than Oblivion. There have been some genuinely awesome parts, and a few parts that bog down for like 1 hour tops. I'll give a sample of one of the good parts:


When you go to find your dad in another vault, he has gone there to ask a scientist to help him with his project through finding a GECK. When you get there you are instructed into a Tranquility Lounge. As soon as you get in there you are transported to a nice little town, imagine the Matrix, except that people don't always die physically when they die in the simulation.
The bad way is to listen to the doctor your father went to see,, going from making children cry to forcing a couple to divorce to killing an old woman to becoming Jason and slaughtering everyone with a hockey mask and a knife. The good path would be to use the failsafe on the program and you end up killing all the people anyways, but for different reasons. I enjoyed this part a lot.


I'm no fan of Oblivion at all, I hated the game, but somehow I've spent 24 hours of my life playing FO3, so I guess it's different enough for me to play that much.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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